1. 11 Family-Friendly Minecraft Servers Where Your Kid Can Play Safely Online: 2014. https://www.brightpips.com/11-family-friendly-minecraft-servers-where-your-kid-can-play-safely-online/. Accessed: 2020-04--20. 11 Family-Friendly Minecraft Servers Where Your Kid Can Play Safely Online: 2014. https://www.brightpips.com/11-family-friendly-minecraft-servers-where-your-kid-can-play-safely-online/. Accessed: 2020-04--20.
2. Scholars’ open debate paper on the World Health Organization ICD-11 Gaming Disorder proposal
3. Diversity and Inclusion in Esports Programs in Higher Education
4. Andrews , J.L. et al . 2020 . Amplified concern for social risk in adolescence: Development and validation of a new measure. Brain sciences. 10, 6 (2020), 397. Andrews, J.L. et al. 2020. Amplified concern for social risk in adolescence: Development and validation of a new measure. Brain sciences. 10, 6 (2020), 397.
5. Rules, gameplay, and narratives in video games