1. Humphrey WS (1995) A Discipline for Software Engineering. Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co. Inc. Humphrey WS (1995) A Discipline for Software Engineering. Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co. Inc.
2. ISO/IEC (2004) ISO/IEC 15504-1:2004 Information technology --- Process assessment --- Part 1: Concepts and vocabulary. ISO/IEC (2004) ISO/IEC 15504-1:2004 Information technology --- Process assessment --- Part 1: Concepts and vocabulary.
3. ISO/IEC (2015) ISO/IEC 33001:2015 Information technology -- Process assessment -- Concepts and terminology. ISO/IEC (2015) ISO/IEC 33001:2015 Information technology -- Process assessment -- Concepts and terminology.
4. CMU/SEI Capability Maturity Model Integration for Development v1.3 CMU/SEI-2010-TR-033. CMU/SEI Capability Maturity Model Integration for Development v1.3 CMU/SEI-2010-TR-033.
5. ISO/IEC (2008) ISO/IEC 12207: Systems and software engineering - Software life cycle processes. ISO/IEC (2008) ISO/IEC 12207: Systems and software engineering - Software life cycle processes.