3D RGB image compression for interactive applications


Bajaj Chandrajit1,Ihm Insung2,Park Sanghun1


1. Univ. of Texas at Austin, Austin

2. Sogang Univ., Seoul, Korea


This paper presents a new 3D RGB image compression scheme designed for interactive real-time applications. In designing our compression method, we have compromised between two important goals: high compression ratio and fast random access ability, and have tried to minimize the overhead caused during run-time reconstruction. Our compression technique is suitable for applications wherein data are accessed in a somewhat unpredictable fashion, and real-time performance of decompression is necessary. The experimental results on three different kinds of 3D images from medical imaging, image-based rendering, and solid texture mapping suggest that the compression method can be used effectively in developing real-time applications that must handle large volume data, made of color samples taken in three- or higher-dimensional space.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design

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3. Compression of Molecular Interaction Fields Using Wavelet Thumbnails: Application to Molecular Alignment;Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling;2012-02-27

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5. Uniformly sampling multi-resolution analysis for image-based relighting;Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation;2010-10








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