1. Tim O'Reilly "Lessons From Open-Source Software Development" Communications of the ACM April 1999/Vol. 42 10.1145/299157.299164 Tim O'Reilly "Lessons From Open-Source Software Development" Communications of the ACM April 1999/Vol. 42 10.1145/299157.299164
2. Eric S. Raymond "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" O'Reilly & Associates Inc. 1999 Eric S. Raymond "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" O'Reilly & Associates Inc. 1999
3. IEEE Std 730-1998 Std. for SQA Plans; IEEE Std 730.1-1995 Guide for SQA Planning; IEEE Std 828-1998 Std. for SCM Plans; IEEE Std 1008-1987 Std. for Unit Testing; IEEE Std 1012-1998 Std. for Software Verification and Validation; IEEE Std 730-1998 Std. for SQA Plans; IEEE Std 730.1-1995 Guide for SQA Planning; IEEE Std 828-1998 Std. for SCM Plans; IEEE Std 1008-1987 Std. for Unit Testing; IEEE Std 1012-1998 Std. for Software Verification and Validation;
4. Software Quality Assurance KPA Level 2 Capability Maturity Model 1.1 SEI CMU.CMU/SEI-93-TR-024 Software Quality Assurance KPA Level 2 Capability Maturity Model 1.1 SEI CMU.CMU/SEI-93-TR-024