Sparse matrix test problems


Duff Iain1,Grimes Roger,Lewis John2,Poole Bill


1. AERE Harwell, Didcot, Oxon, England

2. Boeing Computer Services Co., Seattle, WA


The development, analysis and production of algorithms in sparse linear algebra often requires the use of test problems to demonstrate the effectiveness and applicability of the algorithms. Many algorithms have been developed in the context of specific application areas and have been tested in the context of sets of test problems collected by the developers. Comparisons of algorithms across application areas and comparisons between algorithms has often been incomplete, due to the lack of a comprehensive set of test problems. Additionally we believe that a comprehensive set of test problems will lead to a better understanding of the range of structures in sparse matrix problems and thence to better classification and development of algorithms. We have agreed to sponsor and maintain a general library of sparse matrix test problems, available on request to anyone for a nominal fee to cover postal charges. Contributors to the library will, of course, receive a free copy.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

Cited by 28 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. On benchmark problems, challenges, and competitions in electrokinetics-A review;ELECTROPHORESIS;2015-06-10

2. A Hybrid Tridiagonalization Algorithm for Symmetric Sparse Matrices;SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications;1994-10

3. Simulated annealing for profile and fill reduction of sparse matrices;International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering;1994-03-30

4. A generalized envelope method for sparse factorization by rows;ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software;1991-03

5. A Block Ordering Method for Sparse Matrices;SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing;1990-09







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