1. KoTELLY J. A mathematical model of Blum's theory of pattern recoguition. Air Force Cambridge Res. Labs. Res. Rep. 63-164 April 1963 (AD 412437). KoTELLY J. A mathematical model of Blum's theory of pattern recoguition. Air Force Cambridge Res. Labs. Res. Rep. 63-164 April 1963 (AD 412437).
2. CALABI L. On the shape of plane figures. Air Force Cambridge IZles. labs. Res. Rep. St-1-60429 March 1965. CALABI L. On the shape of plane figures. Air Force Cambridge IZles. labs. Res. Rep. St-1-60429 March 1965.
A study of the skeleton of plane figures. Air Force Cambridge Res. Labs. Res. Rep. SR-2-60429 June 1965. ----. A study of the skeleton of plane figures. Air Force Cambridge Res. Labs. Res. Rep. SR-2-60429 June 1965.
4. Sequential Operations in Digital Picture Processing