1. Federica Amici , James Waterman , Christina Maria Kellermann , Karimullah Karimullah , and Juliane Bräuer . 2019. The ability to recognize dog emotions depends on the cultural milieu in which we grow up. Scientific reports 9, 1 ( 2019 ), 1–9. Federica Amici, James Waterman, Christina Maria Kellermann, Karimullah Karimullah, and Juliane Bräuer. 2019. The ability to recognize dog emotions depends on the cultural milieu in which we grow up. Scientific reports 9, 1 (2019), 1–9.
2. A Framework for Studying Emotions across Species
3. Marc Bekoff. 2000. Animal Emotions: Exploring Passionate Natures: Current interdisciplinary research provides compelling evidence that many animals experience such emotions as joy fear love despair and grief-we are not alone. BioScience 50 10 (10 2000) 861-870. https://doi.org/10.1641/0006-3568(2000)050[0861:AEEPN]2.0.CO;2 arXiv:https://academic.oup.com/bioscience/article-pdf/50/10/861/26889738/50-10-861.pdf 10.1641/0006-3568(2000)050[0861:AEEPN]2.0.CO;2
4. Marc Bekoff. 2000. Animal Emotions: Exploring Passionate Natures: Current interdisciplinary research provides compelling evidence that many animals experience such emotions as joy fear love despair and grief-we are not alone. BioScience 50 10 (10 2000) 861-870. https://doi.org/10.1641/0006-3568(2000)050[0861:AEEPN]2.0.CO;2 arXiv:https://academic.oup.com/bioscience/article-pdf/50/10/861/26889738/50-10-861.pdf
5. The Emotional Brain: The Mysterious Underpinnings of Emotional Life. Joseph LeDoux