1. Apache Whirr; https://whirr.apache.org. Apache Whirr; https://whirr.apache.org.
2. Calvert C. Kulkarni D. 2009. Essential LINQ. Boston MA: Pearson Education Inc. Calvert C. Kulkarni D. 2009. Essential LINQ. Boston MA: Pearson Education Inc.
3. Cloudera Hadoop; http://www.cloudera.com/content/cloudera/en/downloads/cdh/cdh-4-7-0.html. Cloudera Hadoop; http://www.cloudera.com/content/cloudera/en/downloads/cdh/cdh-4-7-0.html.
4. Eijkhout V. 2014. Introduction to high-performance scientific computing. Lulu.com. Eijkhout V. 2014. Introduction to high-performance scientific computing. Lulu.com.
5. Feynman R. P. The Papp perpetual motion engine; http://hoaxes.org/comments/papparticle2.html. Feynman R. P. The Papp perpetual motion engine; http://hoaxes.org/comments/papparticle2.html.