1. Anubhavnidhi Abhashkumar , Aaron Gember-Jacobson , and Aditya Akella . 2020 . Tiramisu: Fast multilayer network verification . In 17th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation. Anubhavnidhi Abhashkumar, Aaron Gember-Jacobson, and Aditya Akella. 2020. Tiramisu: Fast multilayer network verification. In 17th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation.
2. Shadow configuration as a network management primitive
3. Ann Bednarz . 2023. Global Microsoft cloud-service outage traced to rapid BGP router updates. (Jan . 2023 ). https://www.networkworld.com/article/3686531/global-microsoft-cloud-service-outage-traced-to-rapid-bgp-router-updates.html Ann Bednarz. 2023. Global Microsoft cloud-service outage traced to rapid BGP router updates. (Jan. 2023). https://www.networkworld.com/article/3686531/global-microsoft-cloud-service-outage-traced-to-rapid-bgp-router-updates.html
4. Cisco. 2013. Understand Route Aggregation in BGP. (2013) . Accessed : June 2023 . Cisco. 2013. Understand Route Aggregation in BGP. (2013). Accessed: June 2023.
5. Computing Minimal Update Sequences for Graceful Router-Wide Reconfigurations