1. 2013. Game 12: Oubliette ( 1977 ). http://crpgaddict.blogspot.com/ 2013 /10/game-12-oubliette-1977.html 2013. Game 12: Oubliette ( 1977 ). http://crpgaddict.blogspot.com/ 2013 /10/game-12-oubliette-1977.html
2. Theodor W Adorno . 2019. 8. Punctuation Marks . In Notes to Literature . Columbia University Press , 106-111. Theodor W Adorno. 2019. 8. Punctuation Marks. In Notes to Literature. Columbia University Press, 106-111.
3. Playing to Wait
4. Stephen Allott and Flaccus Alcuinus . 1974. Alcuin of York: CAD 732 to 804 ; his life and letters. Sessions . Stephen Allott and Flaccus Alcuinus. 1974. Alcuin of York: CAD 732 to 804; his life and letters. Sessions.
5. Dustin Baileyt. 2019. A glitch casued Black Ops 4's season pass “shaming markers”. https://www.pcgamesn. com/callof-duty-black-ops-4/black-ops-pass-marker Dustin Baileyt. 2019. A glitch casued Black Ops 4's season pass “shaming markers”. https://www.pcgamesn. com/callof-duty-black-ops-4/black-ops-pass-marker