

Cheng Tingyu1,Li Bu1,Zhang Yang2,Li Yunzhi1,Ramey Charles1,Jung Eui Min1,Cui Yepu1,Swaminathan Sai Ganesh3,Do Youngwook1,Tentzeris Manos1,Abowd Gregory D.4,Oh HyunJoo1


1. Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

2. University of California, Los Angeles, USA

3. Carnegie Mellon University, USA

4. Georgia Institute of Technology and Northeastern University, USA


Human environments are filled with large open spaces that are separated by structures like walls, facades, glass windows, etc. Most often, these structures are largely passive offering little to no interactivity. In this paper, we present Duco, a large-scale electronics fabrication robot that enables room-scale & building-scale circuitry to add interactivity to vertical everyday surfaces. Duco negates the need for any human intervention by leveraging a hanging robotic system that automatically sketches multi-layered circuity to enable novel large-scale interfaces. The key idea behind Duco is that it achieves single-layer or multi-layer circuit fabrication on 2D surfaces as well as 2D cutouts that can be assembled into 3D objects by loading various functional inks (e.g., conductive, dielectric, or cleaning) to the wall-hanging drawing robot, as well as employing an optional laser cutting head as a cutting tool. Our technical evaluation shows that Duco's mechanical system works reliably on various surface materials with a wide range of roughness and surface morphologies. The system achieves superior mechanical tolerances (0.1mm XY axis resolution and 1mm smallest feature size). We demonstrate our system with five application examples, including an interactive piano, an IoT coffee maker controller, an FM energy-harvester printed on a large glass window, a human-scale touch sensor and a 3D interactive lamp.


Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)


Computer Networks and Communications,Hardware and Architecture,Human-Computer Interaction

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