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4. New upper bounds on the minimum size of covering designs
5. Aleksandar Bojchevski , Johannes Klicpera , and Stephan Günnemann . 2020 . Efficient Robustness Certificates for Discrete Data: Sparsity-Aware Randomized Smoothing for Graphs, Images and More . In Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML (Proceedings of Machine Learning Research , Vol. 119). PMLR, 1003– 1013 . Aleksandar Bojchevski, Johannes Klicpera, and Stephan Günnemann. 2020. Efficient Robustness Certificates for Discrete Data: Sparsity-Aware Randomized Smoothing for Graphs, Images and More. In Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning, ICML (Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, Vol. 119). PMLR, 1003–1013.