1. (ENDR75) "An Analysis of Errors and Their Causes in System Programs " IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering June 1975; Endres. Reviews errors detected in a large assembler-coded operating system. Studies causes of errors and detection and prevention methodologies. States "almost half of all errors (45 percent) are found in the area of understanding the problem.." (ENDR75) "An Analysis of Errors and Their Causes in System Programs " IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering June 1975; Endres. Reviews errors detected in a large assembler-coded operating system. Studies causes of errors and detection and prevention methodologies. States "almost half of all errors (45 percent) are found in the area of understanding the problem.."
2. (GLAS79) Software Reliability Guidebook Prentice-Hall 1979; Glass. Surveys the available technological and managerial software reliability techniques. Makes value judgments about each technique; illustrates each by example. (GLAS79) Software Reliability Guidebook Prentice-Hall 1979; Glass. Surveys the available technological and managerial software reliability techniques. Makes value judgments about each technique; illustrates each by example.
3. (HOWD78) "An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Symbolic Testing " Software Practice and Experience July 1978; Howden. Evaluates several different debugging methodologies on their ability to detect errors. Finds symbolic testing particularly promising. (HOWD78) "An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Symbolic Testing " Software Practice and Experience July 1978; Howden. Evaluates several different debugging methodologies on their ability to detect errors. Finds symbolic testing particularly promising.
4. (HOWD78A) "Functional Program Testing " University of Victoria Report DM-146-IR 1978; Howden. Analyzes errors in a scientific library to determine what techniques could have detected them. Advocates "functional testing" (the testing of each function performed by the program) combined with "branch testing" (the testing of all program logic segments). (HOWD78A) "Functional Program Testing " University of Victoria Report DM-146-IR 1978; Howden. Analyzes errors in a scientific library to determine what techniques could have detected them. Advocates "functional testing" (the testing of each function performed by the program) combined with "branch testing" (the testing of all program logic segments).