1. André Arnes. Certificate revocations performance simulation project. http://www.pvv.ntnu.no/~andrearn/certrev/sim.html 2000.]] André Arnes. Certificate revocations performance simulation project. http://www.pvv.ntnu.no/~andrearn/certrev/sim.html 2000.]]
2. R. Dale Asberry. Aspect oriented programming (AOP): Using AspectJ to implement and enforce coding standards. http://www.daleasberry.com/newsletters/200210/20021002.shtml 2002.]] R. Dale Asberry. Aspect oriented programming (AOP): Using AspectJ to implement and enforce coding standards. http://www.daleasberry.com/newsletters/200210/20021002.shtml 2002.]]
3. AspectJ Eclipse Home. The AspectJ home page. http://eclipse.org/aspectj/ 2003.]] AspectJ Eclipse Home. The AspectJ home page. http://eclipse.org/aspectj/ 2003.]]
4. Compiling standard ML to Java bytecodes
5. Analyzing the role of aspects in software design