1. Charu Aggarwal and Chengxiang Zhai . 2012. A survey of text clustering algorithms . In Mining Text Data . Springer , 77--128. Charu Aggarwal and Chengxiang Zhai. 2012. A survey of text clustering algorithms. In Mining Text Data. Springer, 77--128.
2. Temporal TF-IDF: A High Performance Approach for Event Summarization in Twitter
3. Leticia Anaya. 2011. Comparing Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Latent Semantic Analysis as Classifiers. ERIC. Leticia Anaya. 2011. Comparing Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Latent Semantic Analysis as Classifiers. ERIC.
4. Latent Dirichlet Allocation with topic-in-set knowledge
5. Incorporating domain knowledge into topic modeling via Dirichlet Forest priors