1. Julius Adebayo and Lalana Kagal . 2016. Iterative Orthogonal Feature Projection for Diagnosing Bias in Black-Box Models. CoRR abs/1611.04967 ( 2016 ), 1--5. arXiv:1611.04967 http://arxiv.org/abs/1611.04967 Julius Adebayo and Lalana Kagal. 2016. Iterative Orthogonal Feature Projection for Diagnosing Bias in Black-Box Models. CoRR abs/1611.04967 (2016), 1--5. arXiv:1611.04967 http://arxiv.org/abs/1611.04967
2. Aniya Aggarwal , Pranay Lohia , Seema Nagar , Kuntal Dey , and Diptikalyan Saha . 2018. Automated Test Generation to Detect Individual Discrimination in AI Models. CoRR abs/1809.03260 ( 2018 ), 1--8. arXiv:1809.03260 http://arxiv.org/abs/1809.03260 Aniya Aggarwal, Pranay Lohia, Seema Nagar, Kuntal Dey, and Diptikalyan Saha. 2018. Automated Test Generation to Detect Individual Discrimination in AI Models. CoRR abs/1809.03260 (2018), 1--8. arXiv:1809.03260 http://arxiv.org/abs/1809.03260
3. Black box fairness testing of machine learning models
4. Uncovering and Mitigating Algorithmic Bias through Learned Latent Structure
5. Application of deep learning for retinal image analysis: A review