1. Azeem Ahmad , Ola Leifler , and Kristian Sandahl . 2019. Empirical Analysis of Factors and their Effect on Test Flakiness - Practitioners' Perceptions. CoRR abs/1906.00673 ( 2019 ). arXiv:1906.00673 Azeem Ahmad, Ola Leifler, and Kristian Sandahl. 2019. Empirical Analysis of Factors and their Effect on Test Flakiness - Practitioners' Perceptions. CoRR abs/1906.00673 (2019). arXiv:1906.00673
2. Some challenges for software testing research (invited talk paper)
3. FlakeFlagger: Predicting Flakiness Without Rerunning Tests
4. D
5. B. H. P. Camara , M. A. G. Silva , A. T. Endo , and S. R. Vergilio . 2021. What is the Vocabulary of Flaky Tests? An Extended Replication . In Proceedings of the 29th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Program Comprehension. IEEE/ACM, 11 . B. H. P. Camara, M. A. G. Silva, A. T. Endo, and S. R. Vergilio. 2021. What is the Vocabulary of Flaky Tests? An Extended Replication. In Proceedings of the 29th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Program Comprehension. IEEE/ACM, 11.