Exploring the critical incident technique to encourage reflection during project-based learning


Nylén Aletta1,Isomöttönen Ville2


1. Uppsala University

2. University of Jyväskylä



Reference37 articles.

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3. Use of critical incident reports in medical education

4. Using critical incidents in teaching to promote reflective practice

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2. Design of a STEAM professional master’s programme supported by project-based learning methodologies;2023 5th International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering Education (CISPEE);2023-07-05

3. Computing Education Research in Finland;Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research;2023

4. Project-Based Learning Methodology as a Promoter of Learning Math Concepts: A Scoping Review;Frontiers in Education;2022-07-08

5. Education, Innovation and Software Production;XX Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality;2021-11-08








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