1. Millar , S. , McLaughlin , N. , Martinez del Rincon , J. , Miller , P. , & Zhao , Z. ( 2020 , March). DANdroid: A multi-view discriminative adversarial network for obfuscated Android malware detection . In Proceedings of the tenth ACM conference on data and application security and privacy (pp. 353-364) . Millar, S., McLaughlin, N., Martinez del Rincon, J., Miller, P., & Zhao, Z. (2020, March). DANdroid: A multi-view discriminative adversarial network for obfuscated Android malware detection. In Proceedings of the tenth ACM conference on data and application security and privacy (pp. 353-364).
2. A Systematic Literature Review of Android Malware Detection Using Static Analysis
3. Android Malware Familial Classification Based on DEX File Section Features
4. On machine learning effectiveness for malware detection in Android OS using static analysis data
5. A Study of Android Malware Detection Using Static Analysis