1. Architectural Smells Detected by Tools: a Catalogue Proposal
2. Nelly Bencomo Peter Sawyer Gordon S Blair and Paul Grace. 2008. Dynamically Adaptive Systems are Product Lines too: Using Model-Driven Techniques to Capture Dynamic Variability of Adaptive Systems.. In SPLC (2). 23–32. Nelly Bencomo Peter Sawyer Gordon S Blair and Paul Grace. 2008. Dynamically Adaptive Systems are Product Lines too: Using Model-Driven Techniques to Capture Dynamic Variability of Adaptive Systems.. In SPLC (2). 23–32.
3. Architectural bad smells in software product lines
4. Jorge Andrés Díaz-Pace , Antonela Tommasel , and Daniela Godoy . 2018 . Towards anticipation of architectural smells using link prediction techniques . In 2018 IEEE 18th International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM). IEEE, 62–71 . Jorge Andrés Díaz-Pace, Antonela Tommasel, and Daniela Godoy. 2018. Towards anticipation of architectural smells using link prediction techniques. In 2018 IEEE 18th International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM). IEEE, 62–71.