Queere Un/Sichtbarkeiten im Feld der Schule Einblicke in aktuelle Studien zu den Erfahrungen und Herausforderungen schwuler Schüler und Lehrer


Cristóbal Klenk Florian,Mallwitz Mario,Jansen Marvin


In this article, we concentrate on the current experiences of gay students and teachers and the challenges they face. Drawing on the results of two educational research projects (Jansen i. E. and Mallwitz i. E.), our focus is less on the reconstruction of rigid forms of heteronormativity. Rather, we base our analysis on the concept of post-heteronormativity (Klenk 2023) – a queer theoretical perspective on social transformation processes in the field of gender and sexuality – and are thus able to trace the subtle experiences of in/visibility and moments of silencing sexual diversity in everyday school life.


Verlag Barbara Budrich GmbH

Reference18 articles.

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