Everyday stress, happiness, health status and individual characteristics affect life satisfaction, which, in turn, affectsome other factors. Therefore, high life satisfaction in academics affects their academic performance positively. Theaim of this study is to examine the relationship between sports science academics’ life satisfaction and academicperformance. Study sample consisted of 188 male and 151 female sports science academics working in differentregions. Data were collected using the “Contentment with Life Assessment Scale” (CLAS) developed by Lavallee,Hatch, Michalos & McKinley (2007), and adapted to Turkish language by Akın and Yılmaz (2015), and the“Perceived Academic Performance Scale” developed by Gür (2017). Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics,t-test, one-way variance analysis (ANOVA), Tukey multiple comparison test and correlation test. Results show thatmale academics have better academic performance than female academics. Results show no statistically significantrelationship between life satisfaction and academic performance.
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