The Perception of the Educational Philosophy in the Industrial Age 4.0 and the Educational Philosophy Productivity of Teacher Candidates


Bolat Yavuz,Baş Muhammed


While philosophy has confronted us as a concept that has taken place in every age of the thinking adventure of thehumankind, philosophical considerations have been influential on all elements of human creation. One of theseinfluence areas is education studies. Education has been influenced by the philosophy of education, which hasoccurred more specifically than philosophy. Educational leaders and pre-service teachers should notice theavailability of using this influence and the educational philosophy as a tool. This research was conducted in order todetermine the perception of educational philosophy in the industrial age 4.0 and to find the educational philosophyproductivity of pre-service teachers. The study group includes 111 pre-service teachers who take the trainingphilosophy course in the 2nd class level in the Faculty of Education of Mustafa Kemal University in Turkey. 72 ofthese pre-service teachers are female, and 39 are male. This research where quantitative and qualitative data are usedtogether is a mixed educational research. In the study, a 25-question test developed by the researcher and asemi-structured interview form consisting of 3 questions has been used to collect data. While the pre-test andpost-test studies were conducted with the test which is the data collection tool, the data were analyzed by using thedescriptive analysis and the content analysis of the data obtained from the interview form. When the findings of thestudy were taken into consideration, it was found that there was a significant difference between pre-test scores andpost-test scores of the pre-service teachers participating in the research. The teaching process of the trainingphilosophy course given has been found to be successful. It has been concluded that pre-service teachers haveexpressed the philosophy and education relationship with human-based views. It has been found that pre-serviceteachers prefer the "progressive training philosophy" if they want to make a new educational design. However, it hasbeen determined that pre-service teachers did not have an idea about technology and technological developments inthe industrial age 4.0.


Sciedu Press

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