1. Sakarya University Research and Training Hospital
Aim: In this study, we aimed to detect the anger level of patients in the outpatient waiting area and related factors. We also aimed to contribute to the studies to be carried out to prevent violence in health caused by uncontrolled anger.
Methods: Volunteer patients aged 18 and over who applied to outpatient clinics were included in the study. A survey consisting of 34 questions prepared by the researchers and Spielberger's State Anger Scale consisting of 10 questions were used.
Results: In our study, it was detected that there was a statistically significant increase in state anger scale scores of patients who resorted to violence in health before, who are troubled with the priority patient practice, who cannot communicate with the doctor adequately, who cannot sit in the outpatient waiting area and those who wait for a long time, who have trouble making an appointment, who smoke and who have low income and education level.
Conclusion: We believe that establishing effective communication between health professionals and patients, increasing the number of healthcare workers, organizing work environments, and creating an efficient appointment system will contribute to a decrease in patient anger and a reduction in violence in healthcare.
Keywords: outpatient health services, anger, violence
Eurasian Society of Family Medicine
Family Practice,Medicine (miscellaneous)
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