Biological products in organic agriculture


Aipova R.1,Abdykadyrova A. B.1,Kurmanbayev A. A.1


1. National Center for Biotechnology


The review presents data on the creation of complex microbial preparations and their application in agricultural practice. According to economists, the turnover in the field of organic agriculture is worth 85-90 billion US dollars a year. Developers of biological products pay great attention to the creation of complex biofertilizers, which contribute to a stable 20-25% increase in yield, with a significant reduction of plant damage by root rot. Among the considered positive effects of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) on plants are the ability to fix molecular nitrogen from the atmosphere, the synthesis of hormonal and fungitoxic substances, and the mobilization of sparingly soluble soil phosphates. The presented data show promise for the use of these microorganisms in the development of eco-friendly farming technologies in order to increase plant productivity and establish biocontrol over the development of plant diseases, reduce the chemical load on the soil, and increase its fertility.


FSBSI FRC N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources


General Medicine

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