1. Federal Center of Agriculture Research of the South-East Region
Background. Grain quality indicators of winter rye cultivars were analyzed in connection with the size-dependent fractional composition of their grain in the Lower Volga environments.Materials and methods. The research material included 22 cultivars developed at various Russian scientific institutions, 3 Belarusian ones, and 3 cultivars bred at the Federal Center of Agriculture Research of the South-East Region. Comparative trials were conducted in 2021–2022 on 13.2 m2 plots in two field replications. The following grain quality indicators were studied: grain test weight, 1000 grain weight, size-dependent fractional composition, Hagberg falling number, amylogram peak height, starch gelatinization temperature, protein content, and rheological properties of the meal/water slurry.Results. Protein content was recorded at a level of 9.98–10.85%, while the starch gelatinization temperature was high due to the June air temperatures higher than the norm. Significant differences among the cultivars were found in the fractional composition of grain: 12 forms were identified with medium viscosity of the meal/water slurry and the fine-grain fraction content up to 30% of the total weight.Conclusions. There is a positive significant correlation between the five studied indicators characterizing the rheological properties of the meal/water slurry made from the grain of winter rye cultivars and the grain fraction composition (0.82*–0.91*).
FSBSI FRC N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources
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