A strategy of the new “green revolution” in wheat breeding: celebrating the jubilee of Lyudmila A. Bespalova, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Khlestkina E. K.1ORCID


1. N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources


On April 2, 2022, the national and international scientific communities who specialize in wheat breeding and agricultural producers in the wheat sector celebrated the birthday jubilee of Acad. Lyudmila A. Bespalova, a renowned breeder and head of the Department of Wheat and Triticale Breeding and Seed Production at the P.P. Lukyanenko National Grain Center.The main result achieved by L.A. Bespalova’s team is more than 170 cultivars of various wheat species and triticale, including over 100 bread wheat cultivars that supply about 10% of worldwide grain harvests of this staple crop, most important for the existence of mankind. The team succeeded in commercializing their competitive wheat cultivars with unique combinations of agronomic traits (grain quality, adaptability to abiotic and biotic stressors, short growing season, etc.) because they developed and implemented a new industrial breeding system, unmatched in the world. In its essence, the approach developed under the leadership of L. A. Bespalova at the P.P. Lukyanenko National Grain Center is a practically proven strategy of the new “green revolution” capable of ensuring the global food security.


FSBSI FRC N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources


Plant Science,Genetics,Molecular Biology,Physiology,Biochemistry,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics,Biotechnology

Reference15 articles.

1. Ablova I.B., Bespalova L.A., Kolesnikov F.A., Nabokov G.D., Kovtunenko V.Ya., Filobok V.A. et al. Principles and me thods of wheat breeding on tolerance to diseases in KRIA named after P.P. Lukyanenko. Grain Economy of Russia. 2016;(5):32-36. [in Russian] URL: https://www.zhros.online/jour/article/view/332 [дата обращения: 27.12.2021].

2. Bazhenov M.S., Chernook A.G., Bespalova L.A., Gritsay T.I., Polevikova N.A., Karlov G.I. et al. Alleles of the GRF3-2A gene in wheat and their agronomic value. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021;22(22):12376. DOI: 10.3390/ijms222212376 Bespalova L.A. Development of the gene pool as the main factor of the third green revolution in wheat breeding (Razvitiye genofonda kak glavny faktor tretyey zelenoy revolyutsii v selektsii pshenitsy). Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2015;85(1):9-11. [in Russian] DOI: 10.7868/S086958731501003X

3. Bespalova L.A., Ablova I.B. “Mosaic” of varieties as a method of management and control over the phytopathological situation in wheat agrocenoses. In: Crop Protection Against Hazardous Organisms: Proceedings of the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference; June 17–21, 2019; Krasnodar (Zashchita rasteniy ot vrednykh organizmov: materialy IX mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii; 17–21 iyunya 2019 g.; Krasnodar). Krasnodar: Kuban State Agrarian University; 2019. p.28-31. [in Russian] URL: https://www.elibrary.ru/download/elibrary_41331668_29935738.pdf [дата обращения: 29.12.2021].

4. Borovik A.N., Bespalova L.A., Miroshnichenko T.Yu., Tsvirinko V.G., Ponomarev D.A., Belyakova A.Yu. et al. Spherical winter wheat: breeding results and prospects for use in arid conditions of Kalmykia (Pshenitsa sharozyernaya ozimaya: rezultaty selektsii i perspektivy ispolzovaniya v zasushlivykh usloviyakh Kalmykii). In: Breeding and Seed Production – the Basis of Field Productivity: a collection of scientific papers of the Scientific and Practical Conference; April 19, 2017; Elista (Selektsiya i semenovodstvo – osnova produktivnosti poley: sbornik nauchnykh trudov nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsi; 19 aprelya 2017 g.; Krasnodar). Krasnodar: EDVI; 2017. p.69-78. [in Russian]

5. Davoyan E.R., Bespalova L.A., Davoyan R.O., Agaeva E.V., Bukreeva G.I., Zubanova Yu.S. et al. Allelic variants for Waxy genes in common wheat lines bred at the Lukyanenko National Grain Center. Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding. 2019;23(7):910-915. DOI: 10.18699/VJ19.566

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