Configuration of geoinformation system for monitoring and forecasting technosphere hazards on critical infrastructure


Niyazgulov U. D.1ORCID,Tshovrebov E. S.2ORCID,Beznosov V. N.2ORCID,Tomilin V. F.3


1. Russian university of transport

2. Federal State Budgetary Establishment «All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Civil Defence and Emergencies of the EMERCOM of Russia» (Federal Science and High Technology Center)

3. Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin


The paper is aimed at developing a system configuration for GIS-monitoring of the technical and environmental condition of living facilities for the subsequent prediction of technosphere threat in the format of prevention of natural and anthropogenic emergencies, as well as their environmental consequences. The methodology involved the system analysis of information obtained from monitoring the interrelated technical and resource-environmental parameters. The analysis considered the impact of various conditions, as well as limitations in the functioning of the living facilities. The obtained results underlay long-term and medium-term forecasts of options and scenarios for the development of hazardous processes, phenomena and consequences of adverse factors. The system analysis of information on technosphere hazards in housing and utility sector on the basis of the proposed GIS-monitoring determined areas for improving methods, algorithms, and tools for forecasting environmental hazards in order to prevent the associated threats and risks for population, natural environment and normal functioning of economic facilities. The proposed system configuration for GIS-monitoring of the technical and environmental condition of living facilities (on the example of housing and utilities services) can be used by the Unified state system for prevention and termination of emergency situations, regional and local authorities for forecasting and preventing natural and anthropogenic emergencies and their consequences for human life, environment, and sustainable livelihood systems in municipalities and regions.


Irkutsk National Research Technical University


General Medicine

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