1. Biotechvet LLC; Irkutsk State University
2. Biotechvet LLC
3. Limnological Institute SB RAS
For the prevention and treatment of associated gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases of growing stock, a new veterinary preparation “Trametin Plus” is proposed. This drug is obtained from fungi-xylotrophs using biotechnology methods. The properties of such preparations depend on bioactive substances included in their composition.Available publications present miscellaneous information on the lipogenesis features and fatty acids composition synthesized by wood-destroying fungi. In this work, we study the qualitative and quantitative composition of fatty acids and analyze volatile polar and non-polar organic compounds of “Trametin Plus”. The total concentration of fatty acids was found to be 70 µg/g, with 50.0% being free acids and 50.0% being their esters. Squalene was established to be the most dominant non-polar volatile component. Concerning the minor non-polar volatile components of “Trametin Plus”, these are amino acids with a low molecular weight, such as glycine, arginine and β-alanine. The analysis confirms the multicomponent composition of the preparation, which accounts for its diverse biological properties, namely antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant and immune-boosting activity. These properties determine the high health-promoting efficacy of the studied veterinary preparation.
Irkutsk National Research Technical University
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