Adaptive architecture – main development directions


Ponomarev A. V.1ORCID


1. Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


This article considers promising directions of adaptive architecture, one of the most dynamically developing concepts in the field of design and construction. A wide range of objects constructed using advanced technological solutions are studied and classified as adaptive objects, spaces, or environments. Special attention is paid to the following three aspects of adaptive architecture. First, adaptive architecture should be based on the principle of energy efficiency, including conservation of energy and resources and use of clean energy, contributing to the creation of buildings with a high environmental coefficient. Second, the living environment should meet the requirements of flexibility and mobility, representing the interaction between the environment and the human. This function of the environment is aimed at creating spaces conducive to changes depending on public and personal needs. Third, the relations between three components––people, environment, and digital technologies––should be considered. The response to the challenge of modernity in the late 20th and early 21st century concerned the restructuring of the technological process towards the search for the most effective directions in the field of creating sustainable objects, spaces, and environments. Digital reality becomes a connecting element, which contributes to the creation of an adaptive space flexibly responding to changes in the environment and human needs.


Irkutsk National Research Technical University

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