1. Mezentseva E. V., Ivanov V. V., Mishakov V. Yu. Innovative development of nonwoven insulation materials to various sectors of russian industry. In: Ekonomicheskie mekhanizmy i upravlencheskie tekhnologii razvitiya promyshlennosti = Economic mechanisms and management technologies for industrial development. Moscow: Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi universitet imeni A. N. Kosygina; 2019, p. 118-122. (In Russian).
2. Ivanov V. V., Mezentseva E. V. Research as an integral factor in the adoption of innovations (on the example of the factories of nonwoven materials «Thermopol», LLC, Hollowfiber®). Fizika voloknistykh materialov: struktura, svoistva, naukoemkie tekhnologii i materialy (SMARTEX). 2017;(1):25-31. (In Russian).
3. Mezentseva E. V., Mishakov V. Yu. The use of fiber thermogeneration technology in the creation of innivation nonwoven materials. Fizika voloknistykh materialov: struktura, svoistva, naukoemkie tekhnologii i materialy (SMARTEX). 2020;(1):73-78. https://doi.org/10.47367/2413-6514_2020_1_73.
4. Ivanov V. V., Mezentseva E. V., Mishakov V. Yu. Modern technological approaches to improving the thermal insulation properties of insulated clothing. In: Dizain, tekhnologii i innovatsii v tekstil’noi i legkoi promyshlennosti (INNOVATSII-2018) = Design, technology and innovation in the textile and light industry (INNOVATION-2018). Moscow: Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi universitet imeni A. N. Kosygina; 2018, p. 160-164. (In Russian).
5. Mezentseva E. V. Innovative methods of creating a thermal insulation self-regulating fibrous systems in «smart clothes». Fizika voloknistykh materialov: struktura, svoistva, naukoemkie tekhnologii i materialy (SMARTEX). 2018;(1-2):78-82. (In Russian).