Assessment of occupational risks For Vodokanal sewer treatment facilities workers (Irkutsk)


Molchanova T. M.1


1. Irkutsk National Research Technical University; MUE ʺVodokanalʺ


The labor protection is based on two principles - preventing emergencies or accidents (including microtraumas or microdamage) and minimizing harm to the worker’s health. These principles are implemented through the occupational risk assessment procedure. With a competent approach and a methodology for calculating occupational risks, this procedure becomes a powerful tool in ensuring the safety of workers. The study assessed the occupational risk for Vodokanal treatment facilities workers (Irkutsk) using and comparing the results of different approaches: questionnaires, scoring, the software package "Labor Protection". According to the calculations and the results obtained, it was concluded that each of the methods allows for assessing occupational risks and developing measures to reduce them. These methods for assessing professional risks can be used by enterprises taking into account the number of staff units, the nature of activities and the complexity of operations performed. 


Irkutsk National Research Technical University

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