Forecast of the operational situation in fire extinguishing in the new building of Irkutsk perinatal center


Pozdnyakov A. A.1,Kashin A. N.2


1. Department of Supervisory and Preventive Activities in the Right-Bank District of Irkutsk, Department of Supervisory and Preventive Activities in Irkutsk, Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Irkutsk Region

2. Sector of Forensic Examinations of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Forensic Expert Institution of the Federal Fire Service ‘Fire Testing Laboratory’ for Irkutsk Region”


The protection of maternity hospitals and perinatal centers in Russia from fires is a crucial problem associated both with the functions of these institutions and their insufficient funding. The main factors affecting the safety of people in a fire are actions of firefighters and medical staff. The aim of the study is to develop measures aimed to improve the efficiency of fire-fighting units in extinguishing fires in maternity hospitals and perinatal centers using the example of the new building of Irkutsk perinatal center. The methods for predicting the operational situation in a fire and determining the volume of forces and means of firefighting formations were used. Based on the results, a forecast for the development of the most dangerous fire at Irkutsk Perinatal Center was created, and the volumes of technical equipment and the number of fire-fighting staff required to save people, extinguish the fire and protect neighboring premises were determined. The fire extinguishing schemes were developed. Organizational and technical measures aimed to improve the efficiency of evacuation of patients and medical staff were proposed. The need to develop a code of rules meeting the fire safety requirements was emphasized. The code should establish standards for means used for saving people and fire protection systems in the design, construction, overhaul, reconstruction and operation of maternity hospitals and perinatal centers.


Irkutsk National Research Technical University


Materials Chemistry

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