Hydrogeological dissimilarity of geodynamically different terranes


Glotov V. E.1


1. North-East Interdisciplinary Scientific Research Institute named after M. A. Shilo, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The article presents and analyzes the data on ground waters of active (suprapermafrost) and hindered (subpermafrost) water exchange of geodynamically different terrains in order to prove the hydrogeological importance of their historical and tectonic characteristics. On the example of Trans-Polar Chukotka it is shown that, under suprapermafrost conditions, the ubiquitous eluvial-deluvial nappes are the most water-abundant on the terrane – a fragment of the passive continental margin, whereas they are the least water-abundant on the terrains of the active margin. Hydrogeological situation changes under subpermafrost conditions: more permeable and water-retaining rocks compose the terranes of the active margin. These differences are associated with the level of rock tectonic decompaction and, accordingly, with different intensity of weathering processes in the terrane rocks of different geodynamic origin in suprapermafrost and subpermafrost conditions. The hypergenesis zone on the terranes of the passive continental margin features coarse-grained rock weathering products accumulated in relatively calm geological and historical environments, the aggregate is sandy. The terranes of the active margin, which underwent long-term subvertical and subhorizontal displacements contain more fine-grained weathering products; the aggregate includes sandy loam and clay sand. Since the permafrost strata in both Trans-Polar Chukotka and Eastern Siberia is greater than the depth of hypergene transformations, the terranes of the active continental margin, the rocks of which were impacted by tectonic decompaction processes, mainly of a strike-slip and thrust nature, feature greater water abundance in subpermafrost conditions.


Irkutsk National Research Technical University

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