Embryonic Stem Cell Ethics


Vian Hussam Almansi Alqani ,Mudhfar Mohammed Meizel


The usage of “human embryonic stem cells” in modern medicinal usage is one of the most recognizable methods nowadays, used to treat damaged cells and tissues that promise hope for the future to treat numerous diseases. The main issue is that multiple countries worldwide have faced complex ethical and legal questions as an outcome of enhancing all of these cell replacement therapies. The main motive of this paper is to review an article by John A. Robertson, which dealt with the “ethical and legal issues of human embryonic stem cell research”. The report has concentrated its fact on moral and legal factors. Still, the main purpose of this study is to review the ethical factors presented by the research article and analyze the outcome. The paper has also focused on making analytical discussions on other pieces to support the aspect of the preliminary article. The main of the paper is to lay out information for future researchers to understand the ethical considerations of “human embryonic stem cell research.


Academic International Publishers








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