Hazardous geological processes on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria – conditions, factors, geo-protection


Bruchev Ilia1


1. Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Acad. G. Bonchev Str., Bl. 24, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria


The problem of geological hazards and risks is actual and this condition is maintained by the endless series of events and processes influencing the human living environment. The findings and conclusions made 25 years ago were confirmed and it became clear that a reliable security system is needed. For this purpose various proposals for implementation at local, national and international level are given.


Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Reference20 articles.

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5. Bruchev, Il, G. Frangov, P. Ivanov, N. Dobrev. 1995a. Ecogeodynamic processes and phenomena (Map in Scale 1: 3 200 000). In: Atlas Environment of the Republic of Bulgaria. Third Ministerial Conference „Environment for Europe“ Sofia, 23-25 October 1995 (in Bulgarian with English abstract).

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