1. Department of Medicine, Osaka Ekisaikai Hospital
2. Department of Cardiology, Sakakibara Heart Institute, Japan Research Promotion Society of Cardiovascular Disease
3. Department of Cardiology, Juntendo University School of Medicine
4. Department of Cardiology, Osaka City General Hospital
5. Department of Cardiology, Nagoya University Hospital
6. Department of Cardiology, Wakayama Medical University
7. Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine
8. Department of Infection Control and Laboratory Medicine, Fukushima Medical University
9. Division of Cardiology, Sakurabashi Watanabe Hospital
10. Department of Cardiology, Tenri Hospital
11. Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Hiroshima University Hospital
12. Department of Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Metabolic Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, Kagoshima University
13. Division of Laboratory, Yamaguchi University Hospital
14. Department of Health Sciences, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
15. Department of Medicine and Biological Science, Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine
16. Department of Critical Care and Cardiology, Saiseikai Kumamoto Hospital
17. Department of Physiological Laboratory, Osaka Seamen's Insurance Hospital
18. Division of Cardiology, Fuchu Hospital
19. Division of Cardiology, Kawasaki Medical School
20. Second Department of Internal Medicine, Kyorin University School of Medicine
21. Department of Cardiology, Tokyo Medical University
22. Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine
23. Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
24. Nishinomiya Watanabe Cardiovascular Center