Biologisation impact on soil condition, grapevine mineral nutrition and productivity


Klimenko O. E.1ORCID,Klimenko N. N.2ORCID,Klimenko N. I.1ORCID


1. Nikita Botanical Garden — National Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2. Research Institute of Agriculture of Crimea


The research aimed to study the combined effect of inter-row sodding with perennial grasses and biofertiliser applications (microbial preparations, MPs) on soil fertility and biological activity, as well as on mineral nutrition, productivity and quality of grapes. The experiment was conducted at a vineyard of the Shasla x Berlandieri 41B-rootstock Muskat Belyy variety nearby Sevastopol. The two-factor design was as follows. Sodding: with segetal vegetation (SV) or a mixture of seeded cereal and leguminous herbs (MHs). Microbial preparations: grapevine root system and soil bacterisation with MPs of various action, including Diazophyte nitrogen fixer, Phosphoenterin (PE) phosphate-mobiliser and a complex of microbial preparations (CMP) additionally containing Biopolycide bioprotector. In control, MPs were not applied with SV or MH sodding. Preparations were introduced in soil once a year prior to grapevine flowering at a dose of 200 g MP suspension per bush. Herbs were mown 5–6 times per season at 30–40 cm height. A combined sodding—MPs usage has been found to increase the nitrate content by 24–45, mobile P2O5 – by 16–21, exchangeable K2O – by 28–50 and organic matter – by 0.06–0.13 % relative to control. The greatest increase in N-NO3–K2O content was registered for the combination of MHs, Diazophyte and CMP; combined SV—CMP–MHs had the greatest impact on mobile P2O5 and organic matter. Biologisation enriched mineral grapevine nutrition, especially for P and K, as well as increased the bush productivity by 10–14 % (maximum in CMP–MHs) via improving the berry and bunch mass and grape quality via significantly increasing the sugar content and lowering acidity of wort. MHs–CMP maximized counts of agronomically valuable microorganisms involved in the organic and mineral nitrogen and phosphorus turnover (ammonifiers and oligotrophs by 120–130, amylolytics and phosphate mobilisers by 50–70 and oligonitrophilic by 50– 80 %). All usages contributed to soil enrichment with nutrients and humus.


Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution All-Russian Horticultural Institute for Breeding Agrotechnology and Nursery


Pharmacology (medical)

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