1. M. M. Gryshko National Botanical Garden
2. Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
Pseudocydonia sinensisSchneid. (Chinese quince) fruits are an excellent source of bioactive compounds. The objective of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant activity, total polyphenol, flavonoid, and phenolic acid content of dryPseudocydonia sinensisfruits (peel and pulp) of collection fromM.M.GryshkoNationalBotanical Garden (Kyiv,Ukraine). All tested samples (peel and pulp) exhibited DPPH radical scavenging activities with values from 9.31 to 10.23 and from 5.39 to 6.85 mg TEAC/g (trolox equivalent), respectively. Antioxidant activity determined by the molybdenum reducing antioxidant power method was ranged from 122.0 to 219.31 (peel) and from 62.19 to 95.44 (pulp) mg TEAC/g of dry matter (DM). The total polyphenol content of peel and pulp was ranged from 53.17 to 78.67 and from 32.31 to 47.41 mg GAE/g (gallic acid equivalent), respectively. The total flavonoid content was ranged from 9.15 to 26.18 (peel) and from 0.55 to 0.87 mg QE/g (pulp) (equivalent to quercetin). The phenolic acids content of peel and pulp fruits was ranged from 4.40 to 8.39 and from 1.12 to 3.97 mg CAE/g (caffeic acid equivalent), respectively. The results showed that peel extracts had the highest content of bioactive compounds compared with pulp extracts. Differences between the genotypes were significant in all observed parameters. The polyphenol content presents high positive correlations between antioxidant activity and phenolic content, flavonoid, and phenolic acid. This species is potential for propagation and practice use inUkraine.
Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution All-Russian Horticultural Institute for Breeding Agrotechnology and Nursery
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