1. North Caucasian Federal Scientifi c Center of Horticulture, Viticulture, Wine-making
The role of digital technologies in the management of production and technological processes in fruit growing on the example of the protection of fruit plantations and yield is revealed. On the example of the Krasnodar Region, basic elements of a process control model for protecting fruit planting from a specifi c disease or pest are proposed for the elaboration of digital technologies: a theoretical basis that reveals the organizational and functional structure of the control of protection processes; structural analysis of components of the protection process control model and optimization of the parameters of plant protection systems to ensure high biological and technological-economic effi ciency; design algorithm for the protection process management model, development of methods and cost optimization for protective measures according to the criteria of biological and environmental and economic effi ciency. The algorithm of the organizational structure of the management methodology, which is the basis for the development of digital technologies for managing production processes in commercial fruit growing is presented, the functional content of the stages of the algorithm is considered. An algorithm is proposed for the development of digital technology for process control, including: the formation of multifunctional databases and data banks, as well as an empirical database and geocoded data collection; diagnosis of diseases and pests; development of plant protection systems; selection of the optimal protection system; development of regulations for the use of chemical and biological agents; assessment of the biological and environmental and economic eff ectiveness of plant protection systems and yield; substantiation of the optimal parameters of the plant protection system and the yield. A predictive assessment of the eff ectiveness of the use of digital technologies in managing the protection of fruit plantations against diseases and pests is given: a comprehensive digitalization of the plantation protection processes, according to empirical data obtained through the use of individual digital technology elements in agricultural organizations of the Krasnodar Region, North Caucasian Federal Scientifi c Center of Horticulture, Viticulture, Wine-making, data of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia. This will allow reducing labor costs by collection, processing of information to justify the optimal solution on the application of system for protecting plantings and yield from pests and diseases, on average, 2 times as compared with traditional systems, comprehensive accounting of all factors that infl uence or determine the state of the system, 2 times higher labor productivity, cost savings on protective measures by 23 % on average, increased production effi ciency and the competitiveness of fruit products.
Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution All-Russian Horticultural Institute for Breeding Agrotechnology and Nursery
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