1. Federal Altai Scientific Centre of Agro-Biotechnologies
Berries of golden currant have a nutritional value and a high content of biologically active substances (BAS). Variability and a high level of manifestation of accession parameters indicate the possibility of breeding for improving the biochemical composition of berries. The purpose of the work is to evaluate and select of golden currant accessions according to its high content of carotenoids, pectin and sum of pectin substances in fruits. The work was carried out at the Research Institute of Horticulture of Siberia, Department of Federal Altai Scientific Center of Agro-Biotechnologies, in 2016- 2018. Weather conditions of 2016, 2017 were characterized as quite warm and quite moist, 2018 was dry and cool. Biochemical analysis was carried out in the laboratory of industrial technologies during the period of full ripeness of berries. Pectin substances were determined by the titrometric method (GOST 29059-91), carotenoids – according to I. K. Murray (GOST 8756.22-80 ST SEV 6519-88). The objects of the research were the varieties and selected forms of golden currant breeding of the Research Institute of Horticulture of Siberia. The control variety was Levushka. As a result of the work, varieties and selected forms were evaluated by the content of biologically active substances (carotenoids, pectin, pectin substances), promising forms with maximum biochemical parameters were identified. The content of carotenoids in the accessions varied widely 0.5 – 11.9 mg/100 g, on the average 3.5 mg/100 g. Levushka varieties (11.9 mg/100 g) as well as Podarok to Ariadne (7.7 mg/100 g), Ida (6.5 mg/100 g), selected forms 4198-06-9 (6.9 mg/100 g) and 4197-06-1 (5.5 mg/100 g were noted with high values. Varieties Valentina and Otrada showed stability over the years, the coefficient of variation was 5.8 and 12.0 %, respectively. The pectin content in berries varied from 0.5 to 1.5 %, on the average 1.0 %, in the accessions Valentina, Ida, Otrada, 4190-06-13 – 1.3%, in 4268-07-1 – 1.4 %, 4197-06-1 – 1.5 %. The total amount of pectin substances in berries amounted to 0.9 – 1.6 % on the average – 1.3 %, with an increased value Ida variety, forms 4190-06-13, 4197-06- 1, 4198-06-9, 4268-07-1 were highlighted. Over the years of the research, the stability in the content of the sum of pectin substances was shown by accessions 4197-06-1 (V = 8, 7 %), 4268-07-1 (V = 10.7 %), 4190-06-13 (V = 1.7 %)
Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution All-Russian Horticultural Institute for Breeding Agrotechnology and Nursery
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