Drought resistance of Fragaria×Ananassa Duch. Varieties in the conditions of the Orenburg Urals


Salimova R. R.1,Avdeeva Z. A.1,Aminova E. V.1


1. Orenburg Experimental Station for Horticulture and Viticulture of the All-Russian Horticultural Institute for Breeding, Agrotechnology and Nursery


The article presents data from field and laboratory studies on the productivity and drought tolerance of strawberry varieties in the Pre-Urals (on the example of the Orenburg region). The purpose of the research is a comparative study of the drought resistance of introduced strawberry varieties and the selection of the most productive and valuable for breeding. The Orenburg region belongs to the zone of insufficient moisture a characteristic feature of its climate is aridity. High air temperatures and lack of moisture are a stressor, leading to a partial loss of yield. During the research period (2017-2019), weather conditions were typical for the zone, which allowed us to assess the adaptive capacity of the varieties. In laboratory conditions, a study of the water regime in 12 varieties of strawberries was carried out. The obtained results revealed the nature of the reactions of strawberry plants to changes in environmental conditions depending on the characteristics of the genotype and made it possible to identify the varieties most adapted to local soil and climatic conditions. Data on productivity and its components of strawberry varieties distinguished by resistance to drought are presented. Among the varieties of early ripening in terms of productivity, the following stood out: Darenka, Studencheskaya, Rosinka (more than 200 g/bush). The productivity of the control variety Orlets was less than 200 g. Among the varieties of medium and late ripening by productivity (more than 300 g from the bush) stood out: Anastasia, Bereginya; more than 200 g from the bush yielded varieties: Polka, Urozhaynaya TSGL, Fireworks, Tsariсa. The average productivity (150-200 g per Bush) was in the control variety Zenga Zengana. In years with adverse factors, there was a decrease in the yield. As the initial forms for use in breeding for drought resistance, productive varieties are recommended: Anastasia, Bereginya, Darenka, Polka, Rosinka, Studentskaya, Urozhaynaya TSGL, Fireworks, Tsarina.


Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution All-Russian Horticultural Institute for Breeding Agrotechnology and Nursery


General Medicine

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