1. Anapa Zonal Experimental Station for Viticulture and Winemaking, branch of the North Caucasus Federal Scientific Center for Horticulture, Viticulture, Winemaking
Under the conditions of changing biotic properties of terroir, it is relevant to establish the patterns of influence of different norms of the load of a grape bush in its own rooted and grafted culture on the quality of grapes, as well as the aesthetic and biological value of wine products in Russia. The objects of research were grapes and wine material of the Krasnostop AZOS variety in a grafted and rooted culture with variants of different load of shoots on the bush. The experience of studying the influence of various agrotechnical methods on the productivity of a grape plant and the quality of wine material was laid in the Anapo-Taman climatic zone of the Krasnodar Territory of Russia. The highest yield of the Krasnostop AZOS variety during the years of the study was obtained in the variant of own-rooted grape growing with its load of 36-40 shoots per bush. In our studies, there is a tendency to an increase in sugar content, and a decrease in the titratable acidity of grapes when growing vineyards of the Krasnostop AZOS variety in their own rooted culture. The most optimal ratio of sugar content and titratable acidity in the experiment was possessed by grapes from a variant of own-rooted culture with a load of 36-40 shoots/bush, here the glucoacedometric parameter was 4.36. In the studied variants, the largest amount of phenolic substances was found in wine material from self-rooted grapes with a load of 36-40 shoots per bush — 4130 mg/dm3. This had a positive effect on the organoleptic evaluation of this sample. The maximum total content of substances from a number of biologically active substances was found in wine from grape raw materials obtained from a grafted culture (134.9-147.9 mg/dm3). In 2018-2019, from the organoleptic side, wine materials from grapes of own-rooted culture proved to be of the highest quality. This advantage over the grafted crop was traced in all variants of rationing the load by the shoots of grape bushes.
Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution All-Russian Horticultural Institute for Breeding Agrotechnology and Nursery
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