Evaluation of black currant dessert varieties and their progeny for anthracnose resistance


Sazonov F. F.1ORCID,Nebroy K. J.2ORCID,Sazonova I. D.2ORCID


1. Federal Horticultural Center for Breeding, Agrotechnology and Nursery

2. Bryansk State Agrarian University


The paper presents the results of evaluation of varieties and elite forms of black currant with dessert flavor of berries for resistance to anthracnose. Selection in hybrid and inbred progeny of anthracnose-resistant forms with fruits of dessert flavor was carried out. The research was carried out at the collection and selection breeding plots of the Kokino base station, Federal Horticultural Center for Breeding, Agrotechnology and Nursery (Bryansk region). The object of the research involved 20 varieties from the genetic collection of black currants and 5 elite forms, with high-flavored fruits (>4.5 points). Hybrid and inbred stock was obtained from hybridization, open and self-pollination in 2015-2016. Evaluation of black currant resistance to anthracnose was carried out in 2018 and subsequent seasons by visual estimation in field conditions on a five-point scale, according to the generally accepted methodology for variety investigation. It has been established that years with a high value of the hydrothermal coefficient (HTC>1.4) сcontribute to the greatest spread of anthracnose on blackcurrant plants. The research has identified the varieties with high flavor of fruits as well as field resistance to anthracnose (‘Dar Smolyaninovoy’, ‘Zelenaya Dymka’, ‘Malenkiy Prinz’, ‘Mriya-5’, ‘Podarok Veteranam’). The best combinations of crosses were identified to further select dessert forms with high resistance to the pathogen (Chelyabinskaya×-Dar Smolyaninovoy, 10-141-2 ×Partizanka Bryanskaya, 5-4-2/08×Mriya-3, etc.). The highest flavor scores were given to anthracnose resistant selected forms #9-101-01 (Tiben×Selechenskaya 2), 4-57-01, 4-197-05 (Myth×Litvinovskaya), 5-57-03 (Strelets×Mriya), 5-37-03 (Debryansk×Dar Smolyaninovoy), 4-18-01, 4-18-02 (10-141-2×Partizanka Bryanskaya), 1-3-02 (Mriya-5 open pollination) and others.


Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution All-Russian Horticultural Institute for Breeding Agrotechnology and Nursery

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