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3. Khomov A. V., Shvedin K. I., Khomova N. A., et al. Perspektivy ispol'zovaniya novykh intermodal'nykh transportnykh gruzovykh edinits [Prospects for the use of new intermodal transport cargo units]. Nauka 1520 VNIIZhT: Zaglyani za gorizont [Science 1520 VNIIZhT: Look beyond the horizon]. Procs. of I Int. scientific conf. (Shcherbinka, August 26–27, 2021). Moscow: VNIIZhT Publ.; 2021. P. 200–208. (In Russ.).
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5. Khomov A. V. Ispol'zovanie s"emnogo kuzova na pervoy i posledney mile [The use of a swap body on the first and last mile]. Logistika: forsayt-issledovaniya, professiya, praktika [Logistics: foresight research, profession, practice]. Procs. of I scientific and educational conf. (St. Petersburg, October 20, 2020). St. Petersburg: SPbGEU Publ.; 2020. P. 139–146. (In Russ.).