1. Far Eastern State University of Transport (DVGUPS)
Introduction. The development of power semiconductor devices and technology served the basis for fundamentally new types of frequency-controlled electric drives with traction asynchronous motors on the rolling stock of electrified railways. Therefore, problems of theoretical and experimental study of the operating modes of the mentioned drives become actual. This article is a theme continuation of the asynchronous machines control on the AC locomotive, which was presented in no. 5 of Russian Railway Scientific Journal in 2021.Materials and methods. For analysing the frequency converter operation, the authors used mathematical modeling methods, which allowed evaluating the motor operation in various modes without resorting to time-consuming full-scale tests. Recently, software packages for visual programming have been developed, aimed mainly at domestic users, which are not inferior in their capabilities to leading foreign counterparts. Among such software products is SimInTech software for modeling technical systems, developed by 3V Service. The software focuses on solving various applied problems, particularly, on modeling a vector control system for an asynchronous drive.Results. The authors developed a mathematical model of an asynchronous drive of auxiliary machines of an electric locomotive in a rotating coordinate system d – q by the SimInTech application package and concerning the cross-impact influence of d and q control channels.Discussion and conclusion. The developed complex of an asynchronous motor and a vector control system enable to work out various algorithms for improving the energy efficiency of the operation of asynchronous auxiliary machines of an electric locomotive by applying the proposed algorithm for choosing the optimal value of the rotor flux linkage. The presented vector control structure also enables to implement it on the basis of modern microcontrollers, helping to reduce programming time.
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