Preliminary assessment of economic effect of transportation in the innovation cars with axial load of 27 tons at the area of the Eastern ground


Miroshnichenko O. F.1,Oginskaya A. E.1


1. Joint Stock Company “Railway Research Institute” (JSC “VNIIZhT”)


The article presents preliminary results of the comprehensive assessment of the economic effect for the infrastructure owner from transportation by trains composed with the innovation freight cars with axial load of 27 tons at the specific areas (grounds). Comprehensive economic assessment for the infrastructure owner consists in taking into account changes of expenses for improvement of technical properties of the new car, as well as the expenses for changes of the operation properties of the car handling areas, in particular: • one-time expenses for putting infrastructure of the areas of cars handling with the axial load from 25 to 27 tons in compliance with the new technical requirements; • financial results due to increase of carrying-capacity by means of increase of the weight at the permanent train length; • change of the current and one-time expenses for train traction composed of the innovation cars of increased carrying-capacity when changing the locomotive series and the number of section-kilometers per the unit of transportation operations.Calculations performed for the routes Chegdomyn – Vanino and Chelutay – Nakhodka indicated that effect of transportation in the innovation cars can be both positive and negative for the infrastructure owner depending on the operation and economic properties of the handling area (volume of transported freight in the examined cars, maintenance process of the locomotive runs, etc.).Taking into account the one-time costs for putting the superstructure in compliance with the technical requirements, the financial results of JSC “RZD” is getting worse at the examined routes.Obtained results have preliminary nature as more detailed accounting of expenses is required for putting infrastructure of the train handling areas composed from the cars of axial load 27 tons in compliance with the technical requirements.


JSC Vniizht

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