1. Bystritskiy Kh. Ya., Dubrovskiy Z. M., Rebrik B. N. Structure and operation of AC electric locomotives. Moscow, Transport Publ., 1973, 464 p.
2. Kapustin L. D., Kopanev A. S., Lozanovskiy A. L. Features of the device and operation of the locomotive VL80 R. Moscow, Transport Publ., 1979, 175 p.
3. Golovanov V. A., Kapustin L. D., Khomyakov B. I. Operation of power converters for electric rolling stock. Moscow, Transport Publ., 1979, 207 p.
4. Tikhmenev B. N., Trakhtman L. M. Rolling stock of electrified railways. Theory of electrical equipment. Electric circuits and devices. Textbook for universities of railway transport. 4th edition, revised and augmented. Moscow, Transport Publ., 1980, 471 p.
5. Tushkanov B. A. Electric locomotive VL80 R. Manual. Moscow, Transport Publ., 1982, 541 p.