Holistic model of the formation of requirements for freight cars on the example of the “Northern Latitudinal Railway” project


Petrov S. V.1,Nazarov I. V.1,Nazarov O. N.2


1. Joint Stock Company “Railway Research Institute” (JSC “VNIIZHT”)

2. Joint Stock Company “Russian Railways” (JSC “RZD”)


In the context of economic integration, an important factor is increasing the efficiency of rail transport. It depends both on the quality of the transportation process as a whole and on the quality of its individual elements. It is especially worth highlighting the rolling stock, and in particular freight cars, since it is with the car along the route that labor-intensive technological operations are performed, including shunting, technical and commercial maintenance, unscheduled repairs, as well as starting and finishing operations — loading and unloading. Therefore, the efficiency of freight transportation does not depend to a small extent on the quality of cars.In this regard, the article highlights the results of the development of a holistic model for the formation of requirements for freight cars that increase the efficiency of the transportation process, taking into account the features of specific transportation conditions. In this case, a holistic model is applied to the conditions for the export of freights from fields in Western Siberia along the routes of the Northern Latitudinal Railway project.A holistic model for the formation of requirements for the cars of the Northern Latitudinal Railway includes:• operational and functional model, containing the substantiation of the technical and economic parameters of the cars and the model of their operation ranges, taking into account the technological operations performed;• reliability model containing justification of the reliability indicators of cars and the parameters of the system of their maintenance and repair;• model for evaluating and confirming efficiency based on the results of calculating a complex of technical and economic indicators of cars.The holistic model makes it possible to formulate rational requirements for cars of different levels of specialization for specific operating conditions. The model also makes it possible to predict the effects of participants in the transportation process when using cars with given characteristics in specific transportation conditions. This contributes to the use of the principles of dynamic pricing of tariffs, depending not only on the type of freight and the region, but also on the route, distance of transportation and other parameters. As a result, the advantages and competitiveness of rail transport will be provided.


JSC Vniizht

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