1. Golubin A. A., Naumenko S. N. Issledovanie i vybor algoritma dlya opredeleniya koeffitsienta teploperedachi kuzova izotermicheskogo transportnogo sredstva [Investigation and selection of an algorithm for determining the coefficient of heat transfer of an isothermal vehicle body]. Vestnik VNIIZhT [Vestnik of the Railway Research Institute], 2017, Vol. 76, no. 5, pp. 306 – 311. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21780/2223-9731-2017-76-5-306-311.
2. Golubin A. A., Naumenko S. N. Express estimation system of the heat transfer coefficient for the vehicle. The computer program. Certificate of state registration in Rospatent no. 2017618464 of August 1, 2017 (in Russ.).
3. Naumenko S. N., Teymurazov N. S., Golubin A. A. Otsenka tochnosti opredeleniya v depovskikh usloviyakh koeffitsienta teploperedachi kuzova izotermicheskogo vagona [Estimation of accurate determination in depot conditions of the heat transfer coefficient of an isothermal car body]. Energosberezhenie i zashchita okruzhayushchey sredy na teploenergeticheskikh ob"ektakh zheleznodorozhnogo transporta, promyshlennosti i zhilishchno-kommunal'nogo khozyaystva. Sb. dokladov uchastnikov ob"edinennoy nauchnoy sessii sovetov RAN po problemam “Teplovye rezhimy mashin i apparatov”, “Teplofizika i teploenergetika”, “Khimiko-fizicheskie problemy energetiki” [Energy saving and environmental protection at heat power facilities of railway transport, industry and housing and communal services. Coll. of reports of the joint scientific session participants of the RAS councils on the problem “Thermal regimes of machines and devices”, “Thermophysics and heat power engineering”, “Chemical and physical problems of power engineering”]. Moscow, MIIT Publ., 2008, pp. 189 – 192.
4. Naumenko S. N., Teymurazov N. S., Golubin A. A. Tochnost' opredeleniya koeffitsienta teploperedachi [Accuracy of determination of heat transfer coefficient]. Zheleznodorozhnyy transport na sovremennom etape. Zadachi i puti ikh resheniya. Sb. tr. molodykh uchenykh i aspirantov po rezul'tatam raboty konf. pod red. A. E. Semechkina [Railway transport at the present stage. Tasks and solutions. Coll. of works by young scientists and graduate students on the results of the conference, edited by A. E. Semechkin]. Moscow, Intext Publ., 2008, pp. 76 – 78.
5. Golubin A. A. Analiz metodov eksperimental'nogo opredeleniya koeffitsienta teploperedachi [Analysis of methods for the experimental determination of the heat transfer coefficient]. Voprosy razvitiya zheleznodorozhnogo transporta v usloviyakh rynochnoy ekonomiki. Sb. st. molodykh uchenykh i aspirantov; pod red. Yu. M. Cherkashina i G. V. Gogrichiani [Issues of the development of rail transport in a market economy. Coll. of articles by young scientists and post-graduate students; edited by Yu. M. Cherkashin and G. V. Gogrichiani]. Moscow, Intext Publ., 2007, pp. 108 – 113.