The computer program for determining the heat transfer coefficient as a tool for saving fuel and energy resources


Golubin A. A.1,Naumenko S. N.2


1. Limited Liability Company “Information Security Center” (LLC “CBI”)

2. Joint Stock Company “Railway Research Institute” (JSC “VNIIZhT”)


The article shows the structure of the computer program “Express estimation system of the heat transfer coefficient for the vehicle”. The performance sequence of the automated calculation for determining the heat transfer coefficient ( K ) is described on the example of the refrigerator car body with the use of the data obtained during the accelerated thermal engineering tests. The advantages of the announced program are shown, consisting in a substantial reduction in the duration of testing, excluding the influence of the human factor when performing calculations and reducing the costs of organizing documentation flow. It was noted that for the operators of isothermal vehicles (ITV) the formation of an automated database with the calculated values results of K allows not only to monitor the dynamics of their changes during the ITV operations, but also with sufficient accuracy to predict the time of reaching the critical values of K , after which the regular energy installations will work with a significant expenditure of fuel and energy resources. The results of the expected economic efficiency in determining K by the accelerated method are presented; its value for the main types of ITV operating in the JSC “RZD” will be at least 14.0 billion rubles.


JSC Vniizht

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